Screen for signs of diminished ovarian reserve

Get insights about your egg quantity with an easy at-home urine FSH screening test.

What's the deal with FSH?

Let's start with the basics

What is FSH?

The name gives a major hint: Follicle-stimulating hormone gets follicles (the sacs that hold the eggs) to develop and mature until ovulation. By testing FSH on day 3 of your cycle, you can get a sense of your egg quantity (A.K.A. your ovarian reserve). That’s because as ovarian reserve decreases, FSH levels increase. FSH is not a marker of egg quality—a high FSH doesn't mean you can't conceive and a low FSH doesn't guarantee you'll conceive easily.

Why is it important?

With age, egg quantity declines and there's no way to stop the process. Knowing more about your ovarian reserve can help you make decisions about your reproductive future and can give doctors a helpful data point to understand how you might respond to fertility treatment. Our at-home test strips offer valuable insight to empower you with more information earlier in your journey to parenthood.