CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that helps both eggs and sperm max out their potential. Antioxidants help to protect eggs and sperm from free radicals damage and CoQ10 also helps to provide the fuel needed for growth and repair.
You may need an additional boost of this powerhouse if you are exposed to more free radicals than your neighbour (think: chronic lack of sleep, drinking, smoking), or if you’re concerned about the quality of your eggs or sperm (if you’re older, have issues with sperm motility or egg quality).
30 daily packs to simplify your routine—just one sachet a day
Scientifically-backed ingredients like NAC, CoQ10 and Trans-Resveratrol to support egg quality
High-quality bioavailable ingredients (that means they're ready for your body to use) at just the right doses
Free of gluten, dairy, shellfish, yeast, artificial colors, dyes and preservatives
HSA/FSA eligible
Is this product for you?
Females and people with eggs who either:
preparing to or trying to conceive, or
are supported by a fertility clinic (we recommend the additional 400mg of CoQ10)
Have a hard time deciding? Give our quiz a try to be matched with the best prenatal for you.
Why we are the best
Formulated by fertility specialists
Daily convenience packs
Ready to absorb ingredients
Gluten-and major allergen-free
Optimal doses
All the benefits
Get antioxidants that go a step beyond protection: Trans-Resveratrol can actually help reverse damage caused by pollutants and N-Acetyl Cysteine converts to Glutathione, which can detoxify hormones and neutralize free radicals.
Cellular Energy
Eggs need tons of energy to grow, mature and become an embryo, and CoQ10 improves the function of mitochondria (like generators in your cells) and ramps up cellular energy production.
Egg Health
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for everyone but it’s extra crucial for egg health. You’ll often only find its precursor Beta-Carotene in prenatals, but we use a preformed version of the vitamin to make sure your eggs get the real deal.
Blood-Flow Boosting
Vitamin E and Iron help build red blood cells to keep your energy up and oxygen pumping.
All the good stuff in it
Daily Essentials for Females (x2)
When you’re trying (or thinking about it!), this comprehensive blend includes easy-to-absorb Iron to help your blood transport oxygen, Vitamin D for calcium absorption and immune aid, and Iodine, Zinc and Selenium for thyroid support. A hybrid of Folic Acid and Methylated Folate (5-MTHF, the active form of Folic Acid) along with Vitamin B12 and Choline get you ready for pregnancy and support fetal brain, spine and nervous system development. And while most prenatals pack a Vitamin A precursor called Beta-Carotene, this one has the vitamin preformed so it can get straight to work.
Algae Oil DHA (Omega-3) (x1)
Every cell in your body needs this omega-3 fatty acid, but it’s not something you produce naturally and many diets fall short. During pregnancy, you’ll need even more DHA because it gets used up fast for fetal brain, nervous system and eye development. Our DHA comes from algae oil so there’s no fishy aftertaste.
Essential Antioxidants for Females (x2)
There’s plenty of factors that put a strain on eggs: aging, toxins, poor habits, life stress and conditions such as endometriosis or PCOS. That’s where this souped-up antioxidant blend comes in. It’s loaded with DNA defenders such as N-Acetyl Cysteine and Vitamin E, along with Trans-Resveratrol and L-Carnitine that also help ramp up energy production.
Vegan CoQ10 (x1)
Mitochondria are like the power plants of your cells, and eggs have more mitochondria than any other cells in your body. After all, they need loads of energy to mature, protect DNA and eventually develop into embryos. Their preferred fuel source? Coenzyme Q10.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The Prenatal Essentials for females and The Power Prenatal for females share the same
foundation of essential nutrients needed for pregnancy, including Vitamin D,
a hybrid of Folic Acid and Methylated Folate (5-MTHF), Iodine, Iron, Selenium, Zinc,
Choline and Vegan DHA.
What’s different about The Power Prenatal is that it gives your eggs an extra dose of lovin’ if your body’s clock is ticking. The Power Prenatal will give you a boost of CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10), NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), Trans-Resveratrol and other antioxidants to provide your eggs with the fuel they need to optimize outcomes.
Can I still take this prenatal if I am pregnant and/or breastfeeding?
All of our prenatal formulas have been cleared by our top
doctors and prepared with your and your baby’s health
as the number one priority!
If you become pregnant while taking The Power Prenatal for females,
we recommend finishing the box and then switching over to
The Prenatal Essentials for females
for your next order to get all the essentials you need for your growing babe,
as the Power Prenatal formula contains some antioxidants that you no longer require in pregnancy.
These ingredients are safe, but unnecessary, once pregnant.
If you are feeling queasy in pregnancy, start out with
The Gentle Prenatal (for females)
as an option that is formulated for sensitive stomachs.
If you need to switch your subscription sooner, email us at
and we will be happy to help you.
When can I start taking these prenatals and for how long?
We recommend taking The Power Prenatal supplements at least three months
before you start trying to conceive, to get your eggs and body ready for
conception and optimize your journey. You can take all of the supplements
together after a meal, three hours before or after other medication. It’s
important to take one sachet daily to ensure your body is getting the best
combination of nutrients it needs to support you and a future pregnancy.
If you are already pregnant, we recommend
The Prenatal Essentials for females as a super
comprehensive prenatal supplement, or
The Gentle Prenatal if you are
feeling nauseous.
Can I take them all at once?
Yes! It is safe to take them all at once, after a meal, three hours before
or after other medication. In the morning, afternoon or at night. You may also choose to split them up if you prefer, but always take them after you are finished your meal.
Why does this product say ‘for females’ instead of ‘for women’?
However you identify, our products are named for your biology, not your
gender. The Power Prenatal for females is inclusive of all individuals with
eggs and/or a uterus who are preparing or trying to conceive.
Have a specific question about our products? Please send us a message at and we will
be happy to help you find the right products for you and/or your
Is The Power Prenatal for females vegan?
Yes! The Power Prenatal for Females are fully vegan. Our CoQ10 is made with vegetable gelatin.
What does B12 do and why do I need so much?
You might’ve noticed that our formula’s 1 mg of Vitamin B12 is well above the amount that’s typically recommended per day in pregnancy. But there are good reasons for that! First, it’s important to understand how crucial B12 is in pregnancy. Along with its better-known counterpart Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 helps keep homocysteine from building up. That’s crucial because high levels of homocysteine have been linked to neural tube defects, pregnancy loss, preterm delivery, restricted fetal growth, preeclampsia and other cardiovascular complications.
Unfortunately, it can be hard for your body to get enough B12 without a little help. In your diet, you can only get it from animal products, and your absorption can be affected by certain autoimmune conditions or even just taking antacids.
Because it’s so critical for pregnancy (and before, so that you can build up enough stores by the time the neural tube develops in early pregnancy!), it’s important to cover your B12 bases with a prenatal supplement. There’s no set upper limit for Vitamin B12 nor is there an established toxic level, but our naturopathic doctors suggest that optimal levels should be much higher than the recommended daily allowance. That’s why we pack 1 mg of a bioavailable form of Vitamin B12 called Methylcobalamin in The Prenatal Essentials for females, The Power Prenatal for females and The Gentle Prenatal for females. Learn more about Vitamin B12 on The Nest.
Can I take this product if I'm taking other medication?
Consult your health care practitioner prior to use if you're taking medication. We suggest spacing out your supplements from medication by at least three hours. For product specific warnings, please visit our ingredients overview page, click on the product you're interested in to read the full ingredients panel, recommended use and warnings.
What the experts say
Dr. Orli GoldbergM.D., CCFP
Dr. Kathryn DundasM.D., CCFP
Dr. Dan NayotM.SC., M.D., FRCSC
Dr. Daniel KreichmanM.SC., M.D., FRCSC (OBGYN)
Dr. Michael HartmanM.SC., M.D., FRCSC, GREI
I highly recommend Bird&Be prenatal supplements to all my patients who are trying to conceive. They provide a personalized and convenient approach, which makes their prenatals more efficient and enhances patient compliance.
I'm thrilled for patients to be able to access higher and more effective doses of key ingredients than I've seen in other prenatals - three cheers for choline and CoQ10!
Having an evidence-based approach to fertility-focused supplements is a key component to optimizing success, and it’s great that Bird&Be’s scientifically-backed prenatals are accessible to everyone, regardless of whether they’re seeing a fertility specialist.
Bird&Be has hit all the right marks for prenatal and preconception care. They’ve removed the guesswork from patients' supplement regimes, while emphasizing dose education and including usable, active ingredient forms.
Personalizing the formulas based on the individual's needs makes Bird&Be's supplements much more effective, especially for those who require a much more intensive regimen to support conception.
I have never been pregnant, after 10 yrs, 3 fail iui and 2 fail ivf transfer with the last 3 yrs. I was planning to start another ivf round. I decided to do things different. I was frustrated it many different supplement to monitor. I did research for convenience and found bird and bee power for female, I could easily take on vacation. I started my subscription, after 6 mths, I got pregnant naturally. Thank you bird and be.
Allison N. (Scarborough, CA)
Skeptical but ended up great
I was skeptical about ordering pre-packaged vitamins, it seems so unnecessary. These were recommended by my fertility doctor after what continued to be a very long road. These are the only vitamins that don’t make me feel nauseous and the price ends up being around the same as buying them all separately. Having them shipped also means I don’t have to think about it. My husband is also on the male versions now.
Remy W. (Vancouver, US)
Best I've ever had
I love these vitamins. They are the first supplements (prenatal and otherwise) that have not given me any negative side effects. No tummy trouble or headaches. I have noticed a significant increase in energy and I just overall feel better in general! So happy to have found this brand!
Samantha S. (Orillia, CA)
Easy Peasy
The subscription model was so easy, They just show up on my doorstep every month. The sachets were easy too, don’t have to count um out or try to remember if I took um all. The hard work is done for me. Also my ivf dr. Was very satisfied with what I’m taking He said it covered all the bases. Thanks bird and be ! Wonderful product. And I will be forever a customer.
Vantoyria F. (Las Vegas, US)
Amazing prenatals
After taking these prenatals I have noticed a huge change in my body . I also swear that the reason I’m currently pregnant is because of these supplements helping my body prepare. Bird&Be has truly had a huge impact on my wellbeing and health.