Products to support you at any stage

  • Trying to Conceive  

    Trying to Conceive

    Our fertility experts designed the perfect preconception prenatal to help egg and sperm.

    Fertility can be a full time job, let us take off some of the burden.

    Shop Preconception Products
  • Pregnancy  


    We've created the best prenatals for you, and your baby.

    Growing a human is tough work, we've got your back.

    Shop Pregnancy Products
  • Postpartum  


    Your nutrient needs don't stop once you've given birth.

    Now that baby is here, you need more support than ever.

    Shop Postpartum Products

Support for your IVF Journey

Our products support you throughout each IVF phase, from your egg retrieval, embryo transfer through pregnancy.

Get IVF Support

We obsess over the details so you can focus on what matters—yourself.

Science-backed, doctor supported

Top-quality bioavailable nutrients + antioxidants

Personalized to your unique needs

Simple once-a-day sachets and at-home tests

Proven ingredients, backed by doctors.

Our medical fertility doctors (REIs) and naturopathic doctors (NDs) have combined the very best ingredients, at just-right doses that your body can easily absorb—all rooted in science.

Meet our Team

What the experts say

Dr. Orli GoldbergM.D., CCFP
Dr. Kathryn DundasCCFP
Dr. Dan NayotM.Sc., M.D., FRCSC (REI)
Dr. Daniel KreichmanM.Sc., M.D., FRCSC (OBGYN)
Dr. Michael HartmanM.Sc., M.D., FRCSC, GREI

I highly recommend Bird&Be prenatal supplements to all my patients who are trying to conceive. They provide a personalized and convenient approach, which makes their prenatals more efficient and enhances patient compliance.

I'm thrilled for patients to be able to access higher and more effective doses of key ingredients than I've seen in other prenatals - three cheers for choline and CoQ10!

Having an evidence-based approach to fertility-focused supplements is a key component to optimizing success, and it’s great that Bird&Be’s scientifically-backed prenatals are accessible to everyone, regardless of whether they’re seeing a fertility specialist.

Bird&Be has hit all the right marks for prenatal and preconception care. They’ve removed the guesswork from patients' supplement regimes, while emphasizing dose education and including usable, active ingredient forms.

Personalizing the formulas based on the individual's needs makes Bird&Be's supplements much more effective, especially for those who require a much more intensive regimen to support conception.