Things to know about having sex to get pregnant

Things to Know About Having Sex to Get Pregnant

2 min read

When it comes to sex and trying to conceive, there are tons of questions, myths and mysteries. It’s no wonder: you want to max out your chances of pregnancy, and soon. To help get to the bottom of it all, we asked Bird&Be chief medical advisor Dr. Dan Nayot to break down the biggies.

Do you really have to keep your legs/hips up after sex?

We get the logic: If you want sperm to swim up to the fallopian tubes, wouldn’t a little upside-down chilltime help it do its thing? But wait, aren’t we supposed to pee right after to avoid a UTI/yeast infection?

There's no evidence that you need gravity to help sperm do its thing, but if it makes you feel less anxious, go for it. That 15 minutes won't increase your UTI risk.

For more context, sperm are actually pretty efficient swimmers and can reach the fallopian tubes in minutes (and can even survive for days in there). So, if you want to lie back and chill after you do the deed, go for it. But if you have a to-do list calling, it's totally OK to get a move on.

Should you have sex every day to get pregnant?

Daily sex is recommended during your two- to three-day fertile window. That’s the couple of days mid-cycle when an egg is released and ready for fertilization in the fallopian tube. It only sticks around in there for a day or two if it isn’t fertilized, but sperm can live in the fallopian tubes for longer.

So, it’s a good idea to start having sex right before you ovulate—that way, sperm is locked and loaded when the egg makes its way into the fallopian tube. (For more, check out our post on how often and when to have sex when you’re trying to conceive.)

Does a female orgasm increase pregnancy odds?

This is based on the idea that uterine contractions can help transport the sperm up to the fallopian tubes. But so far, there’s no science to show that it’s a game-changer in the conception game. Healthy sperm do a great job at swimming all their own, so don’t add any pressure to yourself. If you orgasm, great; if not, no worries!

Are certain sex positions better than others for conceiving?

Again, keep in mind that ejaculated sperm moves fast (we’re talking an estimated 28-mph fast). So, the sex position isn’t really going to make or break your odds. In fact, a committee from the American Society of Reproductive medicine looked into it and came up with the same opinion: “There is no evidence that coital position affects fecund-ability. Sperm can be found in the cervical canal seconds after ejaculation, regardless of coital position.”

Because we know that it takes about six to 12 months to conceive (that’s the average for healthy people with eggs under 35), it’s more important that you focus on what feels good for you and your partner over the long haul.